Munros Tables SMC The Corbetts - SMC

The Scottish Highlands

Beinn Bhuidhe
The High Mountains of Britain & Ireland West Highland Way: Trailblazer

Photographs of an ascent of the Munro Beinn Bhuidhe

above Loch Fyne

 in the Southern Highlands of Scotland

Beinn Bhuidhe in the Southern Highlands of Scotland

Approach to Beinn Bhuidhe ( 3110ft, 948m )

Beinn Buidhe is an outlier of the Arrochar Alps

 accessed by a 4 mile bike ride

 on the track alongside the River Fyne

 followed by a steep ascent on a path

 with some awkward scrambles

 from the derelict Inverchorachan Cottage.

Approach route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Approach route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

River Fyne

River Fyne

Approach to Beinn Bhuidhe

 Approach to Beinn Bhuidhe

Approach to Beinn Bhuidhe

 Approach to Beinn Bhuidhe

Inverchorachan Cottage

 Inverchorachan Cottage

Beinn Bhuidhe ( 3110ft, 948m ) on descent from Meall an Fhudair

 Ben Lui

on ascent of Beinn Bhuidhe

Ascent route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Ascent route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Ascent route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Ascent route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Eagle Falls on ascent route to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Eagle Falls

on ascent route

 to Bheinn Bhuidhe

Summit Ridge of Bheinn Bhuidhe

Summit Ridge of Bheinn Bhuidhe

Summit Ridge of Bheinn Bhuidhe

Summit Ridge of Bheinn Bhuidhe

Approach to Summit of Bheinn Bhuidhe

Approach to Summit

 of Bheinn Bhuidhe

Beinn Bhuidhe from An Caisteal

Beinn Bhuidhe from An Caisteal

Ben Lui Group from Beinn Bhuidhe

 Ben Lui Group from Beinn Bhuidhe

Ben Cruachan from Beinn Bhuidhe

 Ben Cruachan

from Beinn Bhuidhe

Ben Cruachan from Beinn Bhuidhe

 Ben Cruachan

from Beinn Bhuidhe

Ben Lui Group from Beinn Bhuidhe

 Beinn Ime in Arrochar Alps

from Beinn Bhuidhe

Beinn Bhuidhe ( 3110ft, 948m ) on descent from Meall an Fhudair

 Ben Lui

on descent of Beinn Bhuidhe

Descent to Inverchorachan Cottage

 Descent to Inverchorachan Cottage

River Fyne

River Fyne

Beinn Bhuidhe - Route map

Beinn Bhuidhe - Route map

Beinn Bhuidhe - map

Map of Beinn Bhuidhe

Loch Ffyne

Loch Ffyne


Location: Glen Fyne
Map: OS Landranger 56 ( GR 204- 187 )
Distance: 18 miles ( 4km )
Time: 5 hours 45 minutes  ( on foot )
Terrain: paths, tracks and road

Beinn Bhuidhe is a peak whose grandness is only appreciated up close. From afar it looks like a sprawling
mass at the head of Loch Fyne, but viewed from its eastern top, it presents a sharp. well-defined peak with steep rocky sides.
The approach is also deceptive - deceptively long. You have to cover four-and-a-half miles of private road and track
before setting foot on the mountain, and here a bicycle is a neat bonus. The inward route is gently uphill
but the outward route requires minimal effort.
Start from the car park just over the bridge on the old road at the head of Loch Fyne ( beware of the height
restriction if you're carrying a bike ). From there, return over the old bridge, turn left onto the private road and
follow it through a farm and the Fyne Ales brewery.
The road crosses back over the river and past Glen Fyne Lodge to a junction where the road turns right
back over the river and up the hillside. Go straight ahead onto a track and through a deer gate followed by a hill and
woodland before the open upper glen and boarded-up house at lnverchorachan.
Go through another deer gate and through a wooden gate on its left from where a path leads up the left side of
a burn in a wooded gorge.
The route is obvious, although there one short but exposed rock step before the gorge opens out to reveal a waterfall. Skirt this on the left and walk on to the upper flanks of the mountain.
Stay beside the burn until the path veers left over marshy ground to a shallow gully leading to the col between Beinn Bhuidhe and its eastern top. From here an open ridge leads to the summit of Beinn Bhuidhe ( 948m, 3,110ft ) whose trig point is no longer standing, with views north and west to Ben Cruachan and Mull.
Return to the col then continue north-east along the ridge to gain a grassy slope leading to a broad summit marked by a few rocks.
The best descent is south-east towards upper Glen Fyne down the grassy and rock steps forming the east ridge until you can drop down right and follow the corrie tip round to meet the ascent route above the waterfall. From here it's all downhill to lnverchorachan and, if you've brought your bike, a speedy return to the car park.

 Beinn Bhuide Gallery Photo Gallery

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