Munros Tables SMC Glen Coe & Glen Etive - OS Explorer Map


 Stob Ghabhar & Stob a'Choire Odhair
The High Mountains of Britain & Ireland Rambler's Guide: Ben Nevis and Glen Coe

Photographs of a traverse of the Munros

 Stob a'Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar

in the Black Mount of Glencoe

above Loch Tulla

and the West Highland Way

Bridge of Orchy

Bridge of Orchy

Bridge of Orchy

Bridge of Orchy

Stob Ghabhar from Loch Tulla

Stob Ghabhar from Loch Tulla

 on the West Highland Way across Rannoch Moor

Stob Ghabhar is 9km NW of the Bridge of Orchy.

It is part of the Black Mount group of mountains

and prominent from the east.

Stob Ghabhar above Loch Tulla

Stob Ghabhar above Loch Tulla

Inveroran Hotel

Inveroran Hotel

- a 19th century inn for livestock drivers

It dates from at least the 18th century.

Dorothy and William Wordsworth stayed here
 on their tour of Scotland in 1803.

Dorothy's book "Recollections of a Tour in Scotland" records that
while the owners were kind and hospitable,
 the food was d

"...the butter not eatable, the barley-cakes fusty,
the oat-bread so hard I could not chew it,
and there were only four eggs in the house,
 which they had boiled as hard as stones."

Inveroran Hotel

Inveroran Hotel from West Highland Way 

Abhainn Shira into Loch Tulla

Abhainn Shira into Loch Tulla

Victoria Bridge

Beinn an Dothaidh above Victoria Bridge

Beinn Suidhe from the Abhainn Shira

Beinn Suidhe from the Abhainn Shira

The former schoolhouse beneath Stob Ghabhar

The former schoolhouse beneath Stob Ghabhar

Allt Toaig access route to Stob a'Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar

Allt Toaig access route

 to Stob a'Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar  

Waterfalls on Stob Ghabhar above Allt Toaig

Waterfalls on Stob Ghabhar

above Allt Toaig

Sron na Giubhas ridge of Stob Ghabhar above Allt Toaig

Sron na Giubhas ridge of Stob Ghabhar

above Allt Toaig

Zigzag path up side of Stob a'Choire Odhair from Allt Toaig

Zigzag path up Stob a'Choire Odhair

 from Allt Toaig

Stob Ghabhar from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Stob Ghabhar from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh, Beinn Suidhe and Ben Cruachan from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh, Beinn Suidhe

and Ben Cruachan

from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Black Mount from Lochan na h Achlaise on Rannoch Moor

Bidean nam Bian, Clach Leathad

and Meall a'Bhuiridh

from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Beinn an Dothaidh from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Beinn an Dothaidh above Loch Tulla

 from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Ben Dorain above Tulla Loch from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Ben Dorain above Tulla Loch

 from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Beinn an Dothaidh and Ben Dorain above Tulla Loch from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Beinn an Dothaidh and Ben Dorain

above Tulla Loch

from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Tulla Loch and Black Mount from Ben Dorain

Tulla Loch and Black Mount

 from Ben Dorain

Rannoch Moor from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Rannoch Moor from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Stob Ghabhar from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Stob Ghabhar from Stob a'Choire Odhair

Stob a'Choire Odhair

Stob a'Choire Odhair

Correin Lochain beneath Sron na Giubhas ridge of Stob Ghabhar

Correin Lochain

beneath Sron na Giubhas ridge

 of Stob Ghabhar

Correin Lochain beneath Sron na Giubhas ridge of Stob Ghabhar

Correin Lochain

 beneath Sron na Giubhas ridge

 of Stob Ghabhar

Panorama from Stob Ghabhar

Panorama from Stob Ghabhar

Aonach Eagach Ridge on Stob Ghabhar

Aonach Eagach Ridge on Stob Ghabhar

Aonach Eagach Ridge on Stob Ghabhar

Aonach Eagach Ridge on Stob Ghabhar

Aonach Eagach Ridge on Stob Ghabhar

Aonach Eagach Ridge on Stob Ghabhar

Bidean Nam Bian from Stob Ghabhar

Bidean Nam Bian from Stob Ghabhar

Ben Nevis and Buachaille Etive Mor from Stob Ghabhar

Ben Nevis and Buachaille Etive Mor

from Stob Ghabhar

Ben Lui from Stob Ghabhar

Ben Lui from Stob Ghabhar

Waterfalls on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfalls on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfall on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfall on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfall on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfall on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfalls on Stob Ghabhar

Waterfalls on Stob Ghabhar

Stob a'Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar beyond Loch Tulla

Stob a'Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar

beyond Loch Tulla  

Stob Ghabhar and Stob a'Choire Odhair - Clach Leathad and Meall a'Bhurraidh

Stob Ghabhar and Stob a'Choire Odhair                                                      Clach Leathad and Meall a'Bhurraidh

Beinn A'Chreachan

Stob Ghabhar and Stob a'Choire Odhair   

Lochan na h Achlaise

Stob Ghabhar and Meall a'Bhuiridh

Map for Stob Ghabhar in the Black Mount of Glencoe

Map for Stob Ghabhar and Stob a' Choire Odhair

 in the Black Mount of Glencoe 

Route Map for Stob Ghabhar in the Black Mount of Glencoe above the West Highland Way

Route Map for Stob Ghabhar

in the Black Mount of Glencoe

above the West Highland Way

Route Map for Stob Ghabhar in the Black Mount of Glencoe

Route Map for Stob Ghabhar

and Stob a' Choire Odhair

 in the Black Mount

of Glencoe 

Stob Ghabhar & Stob a'Choire Odhair - Route Description:-

Location: Bridge of Orchy
Map: 0S Landrangar 50 ( GR271 419 )
Distance: 6miles / 13km
Time: 6 hours
Torrain: tracks and paths

The southernmost Munros in the Black Mount, Stob a'Choire Odhair and Stob Ghabhar are deservedly popular hills which
provide a fine and varied day out amid splendid scenery.
Start from the car park just before the end of the public road from Bridge of Orchy to the west end of Loch Tulla.
Take the footpath north out of the car park to join the road, following it across Victoria Bridge. Turn left and walk along the track.
which is tho old right of way to Glen Etive. After almost a mile, just past the green corrugated iron building of the old schoolouse, take to a
footpath that runs uphill beside the Allt Toaig.
Higher up, immediately after crossing the burn which descends the hillside, break off right and climb a steep path up a broad spur. The
path soon starts to zigzag and ease with height before crossing increasingly rocky ground to reach the summit of Stob a‘Choire Odhair ( 945m; 2.5
hours ), which overlooks Rannoch Moor.
Dcscend westwards on a rough path leading to the col between the mountains and follow it as it swings round and climbs steeply up a
slope of boulders and loose rnck. Care should be exercised in places here, especially for anyone below.
The path emerges on to the shoulder of Stob Ghabhar - known as the Aonaoh Eagach - and here a fine, narrow ridge leads towards lhe
final slopes. Although airy there are no real difficulties and all too soon a short climb with a big drop on one side leads to the summit
of Stob Ghabhar  (1090m: 1.75 hours ), a fabulous viewpoint.
Retrace your steps a short way then descend the south-east ridge of the hill following a line of old fence posts.
Further down, although a more direct line can he taken, the better route swings round into the corrie to cross the burn. then
take the path which descends steeply down the side of some waterfalls.
At the bottom cross the Allt Toaig and follow the route of ascent back to the start.

Map and Route Description for Stob a Choire Odhair in the Black Mount of Glencoe

Map and Route Description for Stob a' Choire Odhair
 in the Black Mount of Glencoe 

Stob Ghabhar Gallery Photo Gallery :: Glencoe Photo Gallery Photo Gallery

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